Senate Parliamentarian Manas Babbili resigned from his officer position during Tuesday afternoon’s Student Senate meeting.
Babbili said he felt he needed to spend the next semester preparing for the future, looking for a job after he graduates in May and studying for graduate exams.Student Senate applauded his service as he sat down.
Student Body President Chip Hiemenz will appoint the new Parliamentarian. He asked interested senators to get in touch with him as soon as possible so he could begin making his decision before the first meeting of the spring semester.
Traditionally, the parliamentarian works closely with the senate speaker, ensuring senators and chairs follow proper procedure during meetings.
Student Senate passed a resolution expressing the student body’s congratulations and gratitude for all student athletes this semester.
“We want to recognize those that worked hard all semester and being recognized s always nice thing,” Hiemenz said as he gave the executive’s committee positive recommendation.
The body also discussed in detail a resolution encouraging university department heads to begin purchasing recycled-content office paper.
Hiemenz reported the executive committee’s recommendation as unanimously negative.
“It’s a good concept,” he said. “With the limited knowledge we had, the committee just didn’t feel comfortable giving a positive recommendation.”
Hiemenz said the committee felt the “resolved” clause was too strongly worded.
The clause in question read: “be it therefore resolved that the SMU Student Senate encourages the departments managed under SMU to leave our kids and grandkids a planet worth inheriting by purchasing these recycled-content varieties of office paper available through our paper suppliers.”
Hiemenz said the committee also found consistent evidence that recycled paper jams copy machines, which can inconvenience the entire student activities center.
Engineering Senator Rafael Alvarez decided to withdraw the resolution. “It can be made stronger,” he said.
Senate also decided to suspend the rules to vote on a capital request made by the rugby team. The club requested $1,300 for new jerseys as it prepares for the spring season.
Senate approved the request.