Why is it that so many illegal things happen on this campus without SMUPD or SMU administration knowing about it? It’s because they don’t look for it.
On Friday night a group of about 20 people were playing football on the intramural field at 11 p.m. There were house parties at fraternity row on one side and a bus party occupying the street on the other side. But where did the SMU PD officer go? To the 20 people who weren’t drinking, weren’t falling down and weren’t disturbing anyone.
So why were they the ones who got in trouble? Because they could be seen. Once the drunken 19-year-old was on the bus it was no longer a problem for SMU, the screaming people were inside a fraternity house, but the lights were bright on the field and those people got a talking to.
Yes, the intramural field is locked, and the people playing football had to jump the fence. That is trespassing and is wrong. But how is that worse than the drunk people on either side? Why was the officer drawn to the IM field like a flame, because it was well lit and obvious.
So that brings up another point. If the IM field lights have to stay on late on Friday and Saturday nights to keep the busses lit, why is the field locked?
Put up a sign that says “Play at your own risk,” and another saying, “No alcoholic beverages allowed on the field,” and open it up to people who want to do something other than get wasted all weekend. And if someone is stupid enough to drink on the field, the lights are on and they are easily visible for the police driving by.
Yes, Dedman is open late on Friday and Saturdays and Huges-Trigg is open as well. But where would one play a 20-man game of football in either place, or ultimate frisbee? That’s perfect if people want to play basketball, run or indoor soccer, or sit around and talk, but not if anyone is looking for an outdoor sport to play.
We are not saying that a police officer should sit at the front of every fraternity house every night, but if there is screaming, yelling and loud music it might be a clue. But rather than scolding 20 people who chose not to drink on a Friday night and do something outdoors and athletic, go deal with the real problem on this campus.