With the humidity rising, and the barometer getting low, Mustang basketball players found that the residence halls were the place to go Tuesday evening.
The thunder began around 6 p.m. when members of the men’s and women’s basketball teams and members of SMU’s Sports Marketing Advisory Committee prepared for the second annual basketball “Storm the Dorm.”
The Storm the Dorm campaign consists of players and SMAC members traveling around to all the residence halls to pass out posters promoting the start of the season.
Tuesday evening’s “Storm” was the second of the semester, after members of the football team participated in the event in early September. The basketball Storm also included invitational fliers explaining tonight’s open house that will be at 8 p.m. at Plucker’s Wing Factory.
“This event went so well last year,” said Whitney Cahoy, assistant director of marking for athletics. “It makes the student aware of the season to come, and they learn about open house, where they can get free food and meet the team.”
The men’s team will tip off their first game against UT-Tyler at 8:30 p.m., Friday in Moody Coliseum.
Senior guard Mike Dement said he isanticipating a great season.
“We have a new coaching staff this year,” Dement said. “We should have a great season, and we hope everyone comes out to support us.”
The girls will also kick of the season on Friday, when they play Sam Houston State.
Junior forward Sarah Davis felt Storm the Dorm raised excitement for the season ahead.
“Storm the Dorm is a great way to start the season,” says Davis. “We’re all excited and ready to get SMU back on a winning tradition.”
Several first-years who were previously uninformed of the “Storm” now look forward to attending games and supporting the team.
“I had no idea basketball season was starting,” first-year Kelly Baylor said. “I am really glad they came around to promote it.”
After the success of last night’s storm, players foresee a downpour of fans in Fridays Forecast.