Nuts are a great super food loaded with protein, fiber and fats (only the good kind) that contribute to healthy skin, hair and nails. They are a great snack to hold you over between classes, go great on salads and are even good in a stir-fry. However, be careful with these little suckers, just one cup, about 20 pieces will do you good.
Almonds are one of the best nuts you can eat. They have the greatest fiber content, which will keep you full and satisfied. Another great benefit you gain from eating fiber is that for every gram you ingest, it takes your body nine calories to digest it. So, if you eat three grams of fiber, your body will naturally burn off 27 calories without you doing anything.
Additionally, almonds are calcium and magnesium rich, which contribute to healthy bones and vitamin E, which helps fight cardiovascular disease and cancer.
Walnuts are an amazing source of omega-3 fatty acids. This is a fat that the body can’t produce, but contributes to cardiovascular health, optimum cognitive function and anti-inflammatory health. Healthy fat is essential for your brain to function.
Feeling sick? Walnuts also contain ellagic acid, which supports the immune system.
Pistachios may reduce the risk of Diabetes by decreasing the effect of carbohydrates on blood sugar levels, due to their low glycemic index. They may also contribute to raising levels of good cholesterol (HDL) and are full of vitamin B6 and copper, which help increase energy.
Pistachios are also great snacks because they are labor intense to eat. It takes a little effort to un-shell each nut, which helps you slow down your eating process, helping you get fuller faster, and therefore eating less.
Brazil Nuts have 2,500 times more selenium than any other nut, is an antioxidant that protects against heart disease and some cancers. Selenium also stunts the aging process, stimulates the immune system and boosts mood and mental performance. Sounds like the best anti-aging crème to me!