Pep-rally garners excitement about upcoming SMU athletics (Photo by John Schreiber, The Daily Campus)
Ropers, cheerleaders and band members marched through the quads Tuesday evening to get students pumped up about SMU athletics. The spirit stampede got underway at the flagpole on Bishop Boulevard and ended with a pep rally in south quad.
Senior quarterback Tony Eckert kicked off the pep rally with a spirit contest between residence halls. He declared a three way tie that included Virginia-Snider, Cockrell-McIntosh and the Fine Arts Community (Mary Hay and Peyton Halls). Eckert encouraged the students to come out and support the football team this season because it’s going to be promising.
The SMU volleyball team dominated the athlete representatives. Captains Kelly Larkan and Jennette Evanco announced upcoming matches this week and expressed an optimistic outlook on the 2005-06 volleyball season.
SMU Student Body President Liz Healy said that we have some amazing teams this year and that SMU fans are in store for some winning seasons.
The stampede had a great turn out and got every residence hall really excited said sophomore Roper Lauren Culpepper. She thought that it met the Roper’s expectations and exceeded them.
“Get pumped up about SMU athletics and winning. Come to every game and fill those stadiums!” said Roper Emily Graham.