Jake Stiles, representing Sigma Alpa Epsilon, receives his crown after winning Mr. University last night in the Hughes-Trigg Theatre.
The Pi Beta Phi Sorority held their first annual Mr. University pageant last night in the Hughes-Trigg Theater.
Mr. Alpha Chi Omega, Hunter James and Mr. Sig Ep Ken Morris were named second and first runners up respectively, while Mr. SAE Jake Stiles stole the show and was crowned Mr. University 2006.
Student organizations were invited to enter a contestant to compete in the multi-category competition. The pageant included a mixture of contestants representing both Panhellenic and IFC houses, as well as the football team.
All proceeds from ticket sales, as well as money raised by individual contestants as apart of the competition will benefit the Arrowmont School of the Arts and Crafts.
Each contestant participated in every category of the show, which included sportswear, talent, formalwear and a question and answer segment. The talent portion of the show was the biggest hit with the crowd. Some of the highlights were Mr. Chi Omega, Ed Allegra, singing Micheal Bublé’s “Home;” Mr. Football, Joe Sturdivant, in his Chip n’ Dale parody skit; and Jake Stiles, Mr. SAE, with his reading of “How to date an SMU girl.”
Jack Gallivan said his favorite part was the question and answer segment.
“Everyone seemed very prepared for their talent, but it was amusing to see the contestants when they were on the spot,” he said.
Contestants were judged within the individual categories of the pageant, and scores were then tallied for a cumulative score. The three guest judges included Ron Jackson, professor of Meteorology, Clayton Littlejohn, professor of Philosophy and Adrian Tan, professor of Sociology.
Katie Beal, Pi Beta Phi philanthropy chair, said they decided to host the Mr. University contest this year to “get the whole campus involved” and “have more fun” with philanthropy.
The show concluded with a dance number by the contestants to the “Cha Cha Slide” while the judges tallied the scores.
After having about 20 SEA pledge brothers rush the stage in a celebratory manner, Stiles was able to relish in his victory saying, “I’m glad to put SAEs back on the map.”