The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


We deserve a break!

With no reading days, students feel even more stress with finals

With finals fast approaching and students bogged down with more research papers and reading than they can handle. It’s no wonder Fondren has become the new hangout for everyone.

What were teachers thinking when they decided to assign tests, papers and projects the week before final exams are issued? Sure, we could probably handle the excessive workload during the semester, but it’s unrealistic to think we can accomplish and study for finals in such a small time frame.

Last semester, we at least had a brief break with reading days, but with the Task Force now in full swing, administration had decided to take these precious study days from us and instead inundate us with back-to-back projects and exams.

Yes, some students did use these extra days to go out with friends and party, but students deserve a break after the last week of classes. Professors expect so much of us in this week and believe their class is the only course we are enrolled in. Wrong! We, just like the professors, need those extra three days to unwind and brush up on the facts from the beginning of the semester. How do our professors expect us to re-learn everything from day one without having a few extra days to rejuvenate our minds?

Without reading days students are just going to party harder as soon as they are finished with their last final. We realize reading days were cancelled so students would cut back on the partying, but seriously, why not just take weekends away from us at the same time.

If anything, the added stress of no break is going to lead to students just going out and partying harder, something we’re sure the Task Force will not approve of.

For the students who have exams every day next week, the additional days off could have provided them with some breathing room so they don’t become overwhelmed. What about those students who have foreign language finals on Saturday morning? They get no break at all.

We realize we had a shorter Thanksgiving Break, but giving us just one day off before finals starts would greatly increase final grades.

Program Council has the right idea offering free massages to students on Friday to help everyone de-stress from the last week of classes. Why doesn’t the university take note and offer students some sort of relaxing offer?

You gave us Fall Break back, now we are asking for reading days back!

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