The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Senate wraps up the semester

One of Rob Hayden’s goals for Student Senate was to do more.

While Hayden, the Student Body President, said at Senate’s Tuesday meeting that he felt the senators had done a great job becoming more open and welcoming to students, next semester is “the time to take the action that needs to be taken.”

Hayden said this means getting involved and writing more legislation.

A look back at the semester

Senators granted chartered status to four organizations: LULAC, Women’s Lacrosse, Club Tennis and Baseball Club.

Senators granted probationary status to five organizations: American Society of Civil Engineers, Hip-Hop Dance Club, Institute of Transportation Engineers, PRSSA and TREAT.

Senators revoked the charters of eight organizations: Ethics Team, Robotics Club, Campus Conservatives, Cox Entrepreneur, Chess Club, Eta Kappa Nu, Chinese Club and Hindu Student Organization.

Freshman Laura Schur was inducted as Education Senator. Junior John Jose, freshman Joseph Esau and freshman Mia Krueger were inducted as Engineering Senators.

Senate gave away eight scholarships to undergraduate and graduate students.

Passed Legislation

Senators passed several pieces of legislation:

•F-08-10-01, a resolution that honored Rosie McSweeny for her service at SMU

•F-08-11-03, a resolution that addressed concerns with Park ‘N Pony’s policies

•F-08-11-04, a resolution concerning the establishment of a visitor information center.

•F-08-11-05, a resolution addressing the student health insurance policy

•F-08-11-06, a resolution that seeks to have Dedman College accept credit from the London School of Economics summer program

•F-08-11-07, a resolution encouraging recycling during the Boulevard

•F-08-12-08, a resolution that honored Dr. Dee Siscoe for her service at SMU

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