The campus is alive with a competitive spirit on and off the field as homecoming week continues, last night was no exception.
The team “Gamma Phi – Lambda Chi” finished first place in the final round with a blowout score of 250 to 70 against the Residence Hall Association.
With the help of Student Foundation, the third annual College Bowl tournament took place in the Hughes-Trigg ballroom with 16 teams competing for the title of “College Bowl Champions.”
Most contestants were homecoming participants affiliated with Greek organizations, but other competing teams included the Class of 2010, Asian Council, Program Council, Residence Hall Association and a team named “Coalition of the Willing” consisting of SMU’s very own College Bowl team members.
College Bowl is a game of academic knowledge and quick recall. Now in its 28th year, the College Bowl Campus Program is a popular tradition among American campuses and is a fairly new program to SMU.
“We are always looking for more members to join the team,” said Dr. David Croson, professor and coach of SMU’s College Bowl team. “We even have a Facebook group called SMU College Bowl for anyone who wants more information.”
The questions cover a broad range of subjects from history, literature, politics, science, geography, religion and pop culture.
The game features two teams of four players, each competing to score points to toss-up and bonus questions.
Senior Sterling Morriss said, “We felt fairly confident coming into the competition because we tried to build a well balanced team.”
Being a well rounded team seemed to be the winning combination as “Gamma Phi – Lambda Chi” plowed through the “Theta Kats,” “Coalition of the Willing,” “Pi Phi Angels” and defeated RHA in the finals.
After tying for first place on field day, this victory gives Gamma Phi Beta and Lambda Chi Alpha a large boost in homecoming points needed to support their king and queen nominees.
Overall, team participation in homecoming activities contributes 20 percent of the deciding factor on who gets the crown on homecoming night.
After his third year competing in the College Bowl tournament, Mitchell London, senior Lambda Chi, jokingly said, “I hope that future generations will train as hard as we did and carry on the winning legacy.”
Thought it may seem SMU’s College Bowl season has ended, our College Bowl varsity team will continue to practice in preparation for February’s regional championship tournament at the University of Texas in Austin.