The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Man up, Thanksgiving!

Ed Board thinks this holiday should get more recognition

With sorority houses putting up their Christmas lights and department stores already selling their holiday merchandise, Ed Board seems to be unable to go anywhere without hearing someone complaining that Christmas arrives too early and thus overshadows Thanksgiving.

Well, maybe if Thanksgiving were a little more awesome, Christmas wouldn’t be hogging the spotlight.

It’s not that we don’t like Thanksgiving. Actually, Ed Board loves Thanksgiving. Thanksgiving is basically Christmas, but without the pressure of giving or receiving presents. You get to spend time with family (whether you want to or not), watch some great football and eat an obscene amount of delicious food. Thanksgiving is great… so why doesn’t it make a better name for itself? It lets Christmas walk all over it!

To be fair, the winter holiday season has a multitude of holidays within it to celebrate. Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanzaa are three prominent holidays that all happen to take place in December. That’s a three on one fight! Thanksgiving doesn’t stand a chance. Honestly, if it wasn’t for the new trend of demeaning, revealing costumes donned by females on Halloween, we suspect it, too, would fall prey to Santa’s spell.

We start to hear Christmas songs on the radio starting mid-November. Well, maybe if there were a few Thanksgiving songs, radio stations could play those instead. We could have songs about pilgrims and Native Americans, or about turkey and stuffing, or even about the ridiculous airport crowds of people flying out of town to see relatives they may or may not like.

And there are so many options for decorating your home for Christmas, Hanukah or Kwanzaa. How about more Thanksgiving decorations? Sure, there’s the cornucopia and the construction paper turkey in the shape of your hand that you made in kindergarten, but that’s only two. Thanksgiving needs something so awesome that people will want to start getting ready for Thanksgiving first and then Christmas.

We’re not necessarily saying that we want Thanksgiving to be more commercialized. After all, the whole appeal of Thanksgiving is its familial aspect and its concept of being thankful for all of the blessings we have in this life. Thanksgiving is a great holiday! Thanksgiving is like that amazing person you know who, for some reason you can’t figure out, has low self esteem.

So why not make Thanksgiving big enough so Christmas won’t overshadow it? After all, Valentine’s Day is basically a holiday that greeting card companies have turned into something a lot bigger than it used to be. How about they get their public relations people working on Thanksgiving?

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