The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Kinky, don’t drop out!

Ed Board doesn’t think vote-splitting is an issue

The race is heating up in the election for governor here in Dallas. But is it to the point where one candidate should drop out to help another win the race to defeat the other side, since when has that been politics here in America.

Tuesday of last week governor candidate Chris Bell left a voicemail on candidate Kinky Friedman’s private line asking him to drop out of the race to support him in his race for the win.

Ed board does not want Kinky to drop out of the race. His spokeswomen came out the next day stating Kinky would not be dropping out of the race. He is pulling votes from both sides, and both parties.

This is a desperate attempt from candidate Bell to bring up his marginally leading 40% of the vote, and secure a win by gaining Kinky’s votes. Bell had left the voicemail on the private line but when Kinky made the message public, Bell also came out publicly and made another plea to him to once again drop out and help him win.

Ed Board doesn’t support the claims and pleas that the democratic vote might lose if the two do not join together, which is essentially what bell is proposing to Texans. This is a race to see whom is the better choice for Texas, if Kinky were to drop out this would become a battle between left and right rather then an effort to decide who is best for the people living here. If Bell is so worried about ticket-splitting between himself and his party opponent it should tell him something about his campaign strategy and where he needs to focus more attention.

The political culture of Texas is not going to change; people will vote democrat or the will vote republican this is something that has been proven many times in opinion polls of voting patterns. Bell needs to worry about his party and working harder to get those votes rather then to try and make war with his opposing party and lose focus. Neither candidate believe Rick Perry and Carol Strayhorn are right for Texas and both have similar platforms, but obviously Kinky has bell scared otherwise there would not be an attempt to get Kinky out of the race in a private voicemail, which is very sneaky, and was right to have been brought to public attention.

So Kinky here is a plea from Ed board, do not drop out of the race!

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