The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Subhuman leader faces verdict

Warren Jeffs deserves maximum penalty

Mormon fundamentalist polygamist faction leader Warren Jeffs must receive no less than life in prison. The racist and immoral 51-year-old San Francisco native has been charged with sexual conduct with a minor, conspiracy to commit sexual conduct with a minor and rape as an accomplice.

This sorry excuse for a human being advocated and executed hundreds of marriages between male followers of his Mormon sect and underage girls. In many cases, the underage marriages were forced upon the young girls. Notice the word “girl.” These “marriages,” the root of the rape accomlice charges, were nothing more than a clear form of child abuse.

According to the Mormon faction, Jeff’s position in the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (FLDS) is “President and Prophet, Seer and Revelator.” Let’s hope Jeffs can foresee a permanent stay in solitary confinement.

Jeff’s position at the top of the food chain coincides with the implementation of outlandish rules and regulations. He is the only person able to perform a marriage ceremony and also has the right to punish a man by reassigning his wife and children to another member of the church. According to Jeffs, in order to get into heaven one must have at least three wives, and the more you have, the better your chances. He even inherited all the wives of his deceased father, including many of his blood cousins. Not only is Jeffs a rapist, he’s also incestuous.

We don’t have a problem with religious groups advocating polygamy. Even though it may not be our cup of tea, it’s not really hurting anyone. However, if the case of Jeffs, the sanctioning of marriage involving underage girls is a hop, skip and jump across the fine line in the sand.

Fortunately, the FBI agreed, putting Jeffs on its most wanted list in 2005. The most reasonable course of action for this complete nutcase would have been to surrender. However, the “President and Prophet, Seer and Revelator” found himself on the run. During this time, Jeffs embezzled funds from the FLDS to support his now-fugitive lifestyle.

Jeffs was finally tracked down and arrested in August 2006. He was found guilty on two accounts of rape as an accomplice.

Along with his involvement in the aforementioned incidents, Jeffs’ comments to his church and his followers were often racially charged. Seriously, how low can this guy sink? As a man devoid of ethics, he obviously sees himself as some sort of demigod rather than what he truly is: an insane, perverted criminal. Warren Jeffs deserves to spend the rest of his life behind bars.

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