The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Halloween Tailgate

Ed-board disagrees with tailgating starting late.

Tuesday’s nationally televised football game is a great opportunity for SMU to promote itself and the athletic department.

Unfortunately, the athletic department squandered the chance to endear itself to students, local fans and the nation.

The athletic department failed to create a comprehensive plan to encourage fans to fill Ford Stadium, and the piddly plan it did come up with has barely been publicized.

Trick-or-treating? Who wants to get candy from SMU? Ed Board would rather get candy from our friends in Highland Park.

The other idea is a costume contest? Are you kidding? Those ideas sound like last ditch efforts.

The marketing folks should have been publicizing this game since August. Everyone in Dallas should know that there is a Halloween game at SMU.

But the awareness for this game is zero.

And that’s how many people are going to be sitting in the stands when the ESPN 2 cameras start shooting.

It’s too late to fix the non-existant marketing plan, but the good news is that the students can save face for SMU and show up in force.

Follow this plan, students, and you will be ready to go for Tuesday’s game.

1. Skip class. Faculty Senate was worried about the effect the game would have on classes, and SMU refused to cancel class. Ed Board says get over it, missing one class won’t make or break your semester. Games on ESPN promote not just the athletic department, but also the university as a whole.

2. Get on the “Boo-levard” early. The athletic department said tailgating doesn’t officially start until 3:30, but later admitted there won’t be repercussions for those who show up before hand, as long as they aren’t too rowdy. Ed Board suggests hitting the Boolevard early, but bring a textbook so you can tell the yellow shirts you’re studying.

3. Go to the game. And stay UNTIL IT’S OVER. This is the most crucial part of Ed Board’s plan. Students must attend the game to make it a success. You don’t deserve to skip class if you don’t go to the game.

This year’s football team has the chance to do something none of us (that would be students) have ever seen…they are two wins away from a bowl game.

Combine that opportunity with a national television audience and Tuesday night’s game can still be a night to remember.

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