The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Re-elect Hutchinson for Senator

Ed-board supports Hutchinson for her campaign and re-election

The upcoming November elections have been a point of interest amongst Texans, because the governor’s race is going to quite the coin toss. But while everyone’s attention was turned towards the governor’s race, we forgot to pay attention to the other offices up for grabs.

Senator Kay Bailey Hutchison is running for U.S. Senator again this year, and she currently holds the Senior Seat. She is a Republican who was born in Galveston and she currently resides in Dallas. She has been in the Senate since 1993, when she was elected in a special election.

Ed Board stands behind Hutchinson. We think she has been doing a great job the past several years and think she should keep it up. She was the first woman elected to represent the state in the Senate. One year after she was elected in 1993, she was re-elected to a full six-year term.

She was elected by her colleagues to be vice chairman of the Senate Republican Conference, and that made her the fifth-highest ranking Republican senator.

Senator Hutchison is a leading voice on foreign policy and national security issues and serves as a U.S. delegate to the Commission on Security and Cooperation in Europe.

She is Chairman of the Military Construction and Veterans Affairs Subcommittee and a member of the Defense Subcommittee of the Senate Appropriations Committee. In her role as chairman, she plays a vital role in shaping America’s defense policies.

Also, as a member of the Veterans’ Affairs Committee, the Senator has fought for funding and recognition of the Gulf War Syndrome so veterans can receive treatment. Ed board thinks her role her is very important, because the veterans of in this country fought for us to get America where it is today, and without them there is no telling what condition America would be in today.

Senator Hutchinson also plays an important role in the United States. She wrote provisions in the “No Child Left Behind Act” to help recruit teachers from mid-career professionals and retirees; the parents’ report card, which provides parents regular updates on the performance of their child’s school; and remove barriers to local school districts that wish to offer single-sex schools and classrooms.

Education is playing a big role in the 2006 elections. Several of the political ads this year have focused on education, such as the advertisement when Chris Bell, Democratic Governor candidate, shot the entire ad in a classroom.

Senator Hutchinson has a head start in this area because she has already done things to help the school board. She was instrumental in establishing TAMEST through her work with Research and Development funding in Texas. TAMEST is The Academy of Medicine Engineering and Science of Texas. She is now the Honorable Chairman of TAMEST.

Ed Board thinks change is good, but we think, in this case, we should stick to what we know. If it’s not broke, then don’t fix it, right?

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