The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Secrets secrets are no fun

Unless they’re posted anonymously on the Web

You know those secrets. The ones you try so hard not to tell but end up leaking anyway? There’s no need to blab them any longer, at least not by word of mouth, thanks to, you can spill your deepest darkest secrets and no one will ever know it was you. Brilliant!

When something sounds too good to be true it usually is, but not in this case. PostSecret is a blog that is changing how we share top-secret secrets – or perhaps how we keep from sharing them.

A person sends an anonymous homemade postcard with his or her secret on it to the author and founder of the blog, Frank Warren.

Warren began the project three years ago by collecting postcards of untold secrets.

The secrets range from painful admissions of infidelity to quirky admissions like “I wrote my will today. Not because it was the sensible thing to do, but because I am worried about what would happen to my purse collection.”

It’s admittedly weird yet intriguing. The idea of sending a postcard admitting that you’ve been planning your husband’s funeral for more than two decades might be considered disturbing. On the other hand, it may be a new form of anger management.

Think of it this way: If posting a secret on a blog is more helpful than seeing a shrink, perhaps there’s logic in the madness.

PostSecret boasts it’s the largest advertisement-free blog on the Web. This gives it a sense of purity. It’s as though the blog is truly there for the benefit of its users.

Unlike, this blog’s strict use of anonymity is assuring to its users. The site also has no record of posts. Therefore searching for old secrets is impossible, which is another comforting factor for its users.

The community art project creates an uncomplicated outlet for people who are dying to spill the beans but fear the consequences.

If the idea of sending your biggest secret to an absolute stranger doesn’t sit well with you, you can always write it down on a piece of paper, tear it up and throw it away. The act is somewhat therapeutic.

And if disposing of your secrets still doesn’t intrest you, reading others’ can also be healing, and sometimes downright hillarious.

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