The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Homebar isn’t what it used to be

Ed Board is tired of the crowd, bad music and underclassmen

Ed Board is growing increasingly irritated with the way Homebar has “let itself go” in terms of environment and appearance.

Homebar (aka The Green Elephant, but who really calls it that?) used to be the Thursday-night hangout for seniors and older juniors. Now, it seems that anyone with a decent fake ID can get in the door. They hardly ever blacklight them anymore!

Ed Board has seen many first-years and sophomores who magically turn 21 at midnight on Thursdays crowding the bar and taking up space on the dance floor. All the of-age people waited to get into this incredible place, so you should, too!

The same music is played every single Thursday in practically the same order. Why even have a DJ? Just plug in an iPod with the playlist, it wouldn’t be any different.

Without fail, three country songs are played at the end of the night signaling last call, to which the same drunk people two-step around the dance floor. Hello?! The already too-small space is not equipped for your spins and twirls, no matter how cute you think it is, frat boys and pin-wearing sorority girls.

Speaking of the crowd-there is a serious lawsuit just waiting to happen with the number of people they let in at one time. Crowd surfing seems to be the easiest way to get to the bar, pool room or backyard area. There should be a capacity limit, as well as bouncers to uphold it. Waiting 20 minutes for a drink and then having it spilled on you by some drunk freshman on your way back to your friends is getting really, really old.

The past couple of weeks, girls in their strappy tops and sweaty guys have braved the cold to get away from the crowd by hanging out in the backyard area. People should not be forced to stand in the cold just for the sake of being at Homebar. It’s not that great anymore!

Speaking of spilled drinks and too many people, what is up with everyone being SO RUDE? We are all frustrated with the line at the bar and the crowded dance floor, but please stop shoving innocent people out of the way to get to the front. Ed Board has encountered people being excessive jerks.

Also, we can’t write an Ed Board about Homebar without bringing up the annoying people that take over the stage every week. If you’re wearing a skirt that barely covers you, don’t hoist yourself up there for the world to see! It’s just tacky. Dancing on the stage is no different than being on the dance floor. Unless you don’t want your $500 outfit ruined. But why are you wearing that to a bar, anyway?

Ed Board wants Homebar to realize that it’s getting out of hand. They need to be stricter on ID’s, hire a couple bouncers (as well as a new DJ) and put some space heaters outside if they want people to continue going there on Thursdays.

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