Iran’s “President” Mahmoud Ahmadinejad spoke at Colombia University on Monday. He promised to answer questions from the audience, but in typical religious zealot style, never gave point-blank answers and mocked academic discussion in the process.
Columbia President Lee Bollinger introduced Ahmadinejad as a man who exhibits “all the signs of petty and cruel dictator” and blasted his denial of the Holocaust. The introduction was slightly petty itself, but raised interesting questions for Ahmadinejad to answer that he completely avoided.
Rather than answering questions, Ahmadinejad continually referred to himself as an “academic” because he still teaches classes at the university level. Maybe the president should re-read some books on the Holocaust and the creation of Israel before he labels himself as an academic.
As embarassing as it is for the leader of a country to deny one of the most well documented events in history, he continued on the topic of homosexuals. Ahmadinejad does not believe Iran has any homosexuals like we do in the West.
Ahmadinejad is probably right that there are no homosexuals in Iran. Odds are, the secret police silenced all the homosexuals just like women, academics, pro-Westerners and members of other religions.
Ahmadinejad refused to answer many questions that may have portrayed him in a bad light with the audience and only spoke on his chosen topics. This refusal mocks academic discussion rather than explains a position so the audience can clearly come to a better understanding. His avoidance of certain topics speaks volumes to the true nature of his positions.
Bollinger took flak from Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney for giving Ahmadinejad an audience. A core American principle is freedom of speech, so Ahmadinejad deserved a chance to answer all the tough questions Americans have about Iran and his positions. If we censored him, wouldn’t we be just like Iran?
If anyone thinks that Ahmadinejad speaking at an American university was a bad idea, ask yourself this question: What impression did Ahmadinejad make on Americans? It is obvious that he stands opposed to nearly all of America’s core principles. If nothing else, Ahmadinejad made himself look worse to Americans (if that is even possible).
If Iranians want to be taken seriously for reasons other than their nuclear ambitions, maybe they should “elect” a serious leader. After all, being free from religious extremists like Ahmadinejad would benefit them immensely.
While it is easy to blast foreign religious extremists, we as Americans should also stay vigilant. We should never let an extremist represent our country on any level in the way Ahmadinejad represents Iran. If you do not think religious zealots like Ahmadinejad exist in America, take a look at the conviction of Warren Jeffs.