“D/Town,” a nine-minute film written, directed and produced by SMU’s Division of Cinema-TV and Theatre students, will premiere on Jan. 29 at the Studio Movie Grill. “D/Town” follows the story of a photojournalism student named Gabriela Cruz (Sarah Stringfellow). Cruz grew up in a rough Dallas neighborhood and was raised by a working-class mother. However, her life takes a positive turn after she is admitted to North Dallas University and given a full scholarship. Cruz begins a journey of self-discovery, but must first dig into her past. Award-winning SMU screenwriter James V. Hart (“Hook,” “Contact,” “Rush”) and Hollywood story consultant Laurie Hutzler guided students through the process of writing the film. “D/Town” will premiere at 7:35 p.m. before “The Wrestler” at Studio Movie Grill, located on US-75
Meadows Theatre presents “In The Beginning – The Book of Genesis: A Dramatic Exploration,” a performance that focuses on the first part of the Book of Genesis. Both Meadows Theatre students and Dallas Theater Center actors will portray Biblical characters such as Adam and Eve, Cain and Abel, and Noah among others. The cast will utilize text straight from the Bible in presenting stories such as God’s creation to Noah and the flood. In addition to the stories, members of the Dallas community will share their own interpretations of Genesis and the meanings behind the stories. The production, directed by Artistic Director of the Dallas Theater Center Kevin Moriarty, opens tomorrow at 7 p.m. at the Dallas Theater Center’s Kalita Humphreys Theater. The program will be performed nightly from Tuesday through Saturday until Feb 15. Tickets for “In the Beginning” range from $16 to $60. Discounts are available for SMU students, faculty and staff by calling the Dallas Theater Center at 214-522-8499.