Where to find your Mustang MasterbatorsClub
Dear Editor:
The commentary by Matthew Kreth about the infamous MustangMasturbators, although humorous on some levels, deals with somevery serious issues that plague our campus. Although mostpeople do not realize it, there are at least 20 registered sexoffenders living in the neighborhood of Sorority Row.
The names and addresses of these offenders are available onlineat: http://records.txdps.state.tx.us. You simply click on the SexOffender search and then type in a zip code.
These individuals present a grave threat to the safety ofthe SMU students. They pose an unknown danger to students as weoften take for granted that we live in the seemingly peacefulHighland Park.
Last year, during the elections for SMU Student Senate, severalcandidates spent a good deal of time talking about the dangers ofsex offenders in the SMU area and how they each would increasecampus safety. This was around the time that a man was foundwandering through the Gamma Phi Beta House as well as two attemptedbreak-ins at the Kappa Kappa Gamma house.
I am unaware (largely because I am studying abroad and thereforenot viewing campus activities through any medium except the DC) ofmeasures taken by this year’s Senate to enhance the safety ofstudents on campus. I would encourage Student Senate, thepolice department, and The Daily Campus to help our campus rise tothe challenge of protecting SMU students. Making everyone aware ofthe dangers that do exist in our neighborhood is of the utmostimportance.
I thank Mr. Kreth for bringing the issues to the table becausethese men on our campus are more than just blurbs in the policereports.
Cristin Lavelle
Junior history and Spanish major
Thoughts on Mustang Football
Dear Editor:
I would like to comment on the letter published just this pastTuesday. I am referring to the one concerning how unprofessionalreporting was concerning the recent departure of Bartel asquarterback. I read the article concerning Bartel, and found itsomewhat informative about the situation on the football team. Tosay the least, I enjoyed the article.
Then I read yesterday’s letter to the editor. To say theleast, I disagree with the opinion. I was somewhat impressed that anewspaper would actually respect someone’s desire to remainanonymous.
I would also like to note that there is a big difference betweensomeone who is interviewed and chooses to remain anonymous, andsomeone who sends in an anonymous lead. This is especially truewhen concerning sporting teams. From a realistic prospective, nogood can come from a player coming out and slandering anotherteammate or coach publicly. This is why I respect allowing them toremain anonymous. This says nothing about the information that theplayer provides, other than the fact that they don’t want itto come back to ruin their relationships and or career. Not thatthere is much of a career playing for SMU.
I would like to shift my attention now to commenting on the sadstate we call SMU football. I really am appalled at the caliber ofa team that we have, and how everyone seems to sugarcoat it. Idon’t care how good of a defense people think we have. Ourpoor offense negates whatever defense we could have. When the teamrepeatedly runs the ball on third down and more than 5 you cannotexpect success. You could say that the other team will not expectit, but when we do it so consistently, they don’t just expectit, they enjoy it. Why do they enjoy it? Because one of two thingshappen: we will be stopped short as usual and have to punt, or— as happened against Fresno State — our quarterbackcould pull off an astonishing 16-yard run on third down and berewarded with a nice spot on the bench. Either way the threat iseliminated.
Seriously, what the hell? Why on earth would we pull Phillipswhen he is the most impressive offensive player we have seen thisyear? By the fourth quarter ,the entire student section waschanting Phillips’ name because they had seen him perform. Idon’t care what kind of prestige coach Bennett earned atKansas State. We are No. 1 on the bottom 10, and the No. 2 teamfired its coach 3 games ago. I could see keeping him around hadthere been any show of progress, but you cannot deny that with a16-game losing streak, we aren’t moving forward.
Bill Meehan