Dear Editor:
I think someone is asleep at the wheel of Nell’s brain. Hello?! Women are not cars!
The analogy is overly simplistic and imperfect at best, degrading and insulting at worst. Women are human beings who think, feel, and act upon their environment, and can’t be pigeonholed as a mechanical device that must be driven or operated by men. Advising men to treat a woman like a racecar is ridiculous, and objectification and ownership are not good qualities to be encouraged in a relationship of any kind.
Nell says that women, like most people on earth, want to be respected. She’s right. However, this is not achieved through comparison to fun, fast, flashy and brainless machines.
Suggesting that men’s respect for women might be enhanced if they are likened to cars is also kind of horrifying.
A sex and dating advice columnist needs to offer more than cheesy dating gimmicks and hackneyed gender stereotypes. I don’t think a little bit of creativity and brainpower are too much to ask from the DC‘s writers. Give men some credit, stop insulting readers’ intelligence and wake up!
Ailea Sneller
Senior psychology, sociology major