About 20 Mustang Maniacs clad in red shirts gathered at MoodyColliseum on Wednesday evening to “Storm the Dorms” andkick off the 2003-2004 men’s and women’s basketballseason. The Mustang 11 and the SMU Students Marketing AthleticAdvisory Committee participated in the event.
“Storm the Dorms” is a new event formed by SMAAC togenerate more interest in SMU sports and to create awareness of SMUsporting events to first-year students.
The group went to all seven first-year dorms, Umphrey-Leecafeteria, Mac’s Place and some sorority houses, knocking ondoors and handing out posters and packets for the men andwomen’s basketball teams. Patrick Simpson, Justin Isham andother members of the men’s basketball team met up with thegroup to meet students face-to-face.
“The idea behind ‘Storm the Dorms’ is you aremore apt to come to the games if you know the basketballplayers,” said Cherri Hollis, SMAAC adviser. “We wantto say, ‘We really want you to come to the game because weare going to have a great season.'”
“The freshman that we have talked to so far seem pumped upabout the season,” said Trent Redden, a guard for the SMUbasketball team.
The Mustang Maniacs were met with a welcoming attitude as theyknocked on the door of every room in the dorms they stormed.
“From what I can tell, the basketball team is going to begood this year,” first-year Michael Gruber said. “Iwill definitely go to the games.”
“I haven’t been to a basketball game yet,”said sophomore Virginia-Snyder hall resident Yvette Grenz.”I’m excited to go to one, though; I’m a huge SMUfan.”
In continuation of the basketball season tip-off, there will bea party at Plucker’s on Greenville from 8-10 p.m. onThursday. Members of the men’s and women’s teams willbe there to meet students. Plucker’s is offering free chickenwings to the first 200 students in the door, and other door prizeswill be given as well.
“Storm the Dorms” also promoted the Mustang Maniacprogram. The Mustang Maniacs support SMU athletics. First-years cansign up to be Mustang Maniacs at Plucker’s on Thursday or inthe Hughes-Trigg Student Activities Center on Thursday and Friday.The Mustangs’ first home game is at 7 p.m. on Dec. 1 againstTexas Tech.