Since the resignation of Student Body Secretary Ashley Earnestearlier this month, Senate Parliamentarian Adam Hill has filled theposition. He is the only candidate on the re-election ballot.
According to Student Body Vice President Lyndsey Hummert,responsibilities of the secretary are more than just recordingminutes and taking attendance at all Senate meetings.
“The secretary heads up the code of conduct committeewhich is the biggest responsibility,” Hummert said.
The election is not closed to the members of the StudentSenate.
“Any SMU student is eligible to run for secretary,”Hummert said. “All they need is an SMU GPA, which has to beat least a 2.0”
The official ballot for the election closed last week, butstudents can write in their choice for candidate by voting on theSMU Web site ( Voting will officially closeat 7 p.m. Thursday.
If Hill were elected as the new permanent secretary, theparliamentarian position would require a nomination by Kincaid anda majority vote by the Senate.