Wednesday’s (Oct. 3) The Daily Campus has three references to the task force to review SMU’s approach to sexual misconduct.
Two articles announced the Student Senate is accepting proposed changes to the Student Code of Conduct. The Daily Campus Editorial Board wrote on this subject as well.
Both the annual review of the Code and the appointment of the task force provide opportunities to address concerns regarding the handling of sexual misconduct.
The purpose of the conduct process for serious violations of the Student Code ultimately is to determine if a student is to be removed from the university. The university has an obligation to determine this for the safety and educational wellbeing of the university community.
A student code outlines a process that affords due process and the possible sanctions including suspension and expulsion. It is my understanding that the amount of due process should be proportionate to the possible sanction.
Since the loose (sanction) is the student’s relationship to the institution, higher education uses “preponderance” as an appropriate level.
Both the complainant and the respondent are afforded a hearing and the university closely guards each’s identity not only because of the law but because the finding is on a preponderance of evidence.
The questions raised with regard to sexual misconduct are complex and appropriate for educational discourse. If you are concerned, what better place to discuss this? Read, ask questions, discuss and learn.
Kathy Rowe, PhD
Staff member