Waltzing across SMU’s campus everyday are a number of women with caked-on makeup, shiny jewelry and a designer purse to boot. When completing their outfits, some of these women decide to sport gym shorts and a baggy t-shirt, leaving the rest of the campus to wonder: Did they get dressed in the dark?
Countless reasons may explain why this style is popular, but only one stands out as the most common answer – and no, working out is not it. These female students are following a trend of comfort over style.
“When you go to class in college, you want to be comfortable,” said Sarah Bray, The Daily Campus fashion editor and SMUStyle.com co-founder. “You spend so much time in the class and in the library, so being comfortable is key.”
While the clothing style is easy and relaxed, the makeup preparation is not as simple.
The female students who follow this trend “have to compensate” for their casual dress by putting on makeup and doing their hair, sophomore McKell Favrot said.
Freshman pre-business major Caroline Coffee agrees.
“You want to look cute and pretty, but also want to be comfortable,” Coffee said. “I mean, I’ve done it.”
With the comfort factor aside, another reason why the look is popular is because “it’s easy to throw on,” said Bray. “Most people wake up five minutes before class and…[this style] saves time because it is easy to put together.”
Other reasons why Bray believes the look of running shoes, Nike shorts and a T-shirt is popular have to do with our generation and busy schedules.
“It’s 2010, and class is not the same environment as a work environment. You’re going from class to class then you might have to run errands,” Bray said. Dressing comfortable makes your day a little more comfortable as well.”
Another alternative reason behind this trend’s popularity may be that female students wish to give off the appearance of natural beauty.
By dressing down, “it’s sort of the appearance of not caring,” freshman history major Lizzie Cochran said. “The look is about finding the right level of casualness to look like you’re not really trying.”
For those female students who choose to steer clear of gym clothes as their everyday-wear, getting dressed and ready for the day can promote a feeling of accomplishment, says freshman business major Paige Janke.
If a student wishes to change out her sporty style for something a bit dressier, be sure to visit SMUStyle.com for fun tips.