If your bruises from the stampedes on Black Friday are finally starting to heal, you may now be noticing that you still have a few holiday gifts left to buy. With only a mere 28 shopping days left till Christmas, Ed Board has a few suggestions on how to spoil your friends and relatives for the holidays.
Our No. 1 piece of advice for SMU shoppers is to buy gifts for your loved ones that they would enjoy but would never buy for themselves. People will go out and buy themselves sweaters and scarves and socks – they don’t need you to get them the red and green editions.
Instead, go out on a limb and get your friends semi-luxury items that they will definitely use, but don’t definitely need. We suggest silk pillowcases, a cashmere travel blanket and high-end beauty products.
If you do want to go the “get them something they need” route, pick up gift cards for your loved ones that they will absolutely use from places like CVS, Starbucks and Smoothie King. Or better yet, buy gas station gift certificates. We all know how handy a few extra gas miles can be. Buying this kind of gift card is better than getting one from stores like Best Buy or Urban Outfitters, where one is left feeling like they have to buy something right away. Don’t force your loved ones into getting something they might regret later. Instead, let them get something they need, for free.
For gentlemen looking to get something sparkly for their lady friends this holiday season, the ladies of Ed Board suggest keeping it simple. Stick to silver, gold and clear sparkles. If it’s a piece of jewelry simple enough to wear every day, it’s hard for the ladies to hate it. Trust us on this one.
And remember, guys, girls expect about as much from you as most moms expect from their 10-year-old sons. A little effort goes a long way.
Ladies who are looking to get something for their boyfriends that doesn’t fall straight into the sports category should take a trip to the drug store for some necessities that boys’ bathrooms always seem to be lacking. Deodorant, shampoo, extra bars of soap, shaving cream, mouthwash, over-the-counter medications-things their moms may have supplied but are now missing in college.
Our final tip for holiday shopping also applies to studying for finals: Don’t cram it all in at once. Taking an hour between classes to hit the mall for one gift is a whole lot easier than spending all of Saturday afternoon wrangling all of Dallas.