(Courtesy of Student Body Officers)
Alex Mace – President
Alex is a Senior from St. Louis majoring in political science, economics, and Spanish. He has served on Student Senate since his freshman year. Before being elected President, he served as both senator and chief of staff. He is a President’s Scholar, an Undergraduate Research Fellow at SMU’s John G. Tower Center, and – perhaps his proudest accomplishment – a member of Southern Gentlemen, SMU’s oldest all-male A capella choir. Alex is also a member of Sigma Phi Epsilon.
Mace wants to require all student senators to attend at least one meeting per semester for Liaison Organizations. He also hopes to reduce abuse of on-campus listservs primarily through an email unsubscribe option. Mace also wants to develop strong ties with SMU’s immediate community and allow in-and-out access to SMU football games.
His Thoughts
“We must be fully united under the banner of red and blue. This place is a home where your very future is set in motion. I could never have come this far without the people who supported me. I look forward to [this] year.”
Zane Cavender – Vice President
Zane is a Junior from Corsicana, Texas majoring in political science and psychology. As a Hunt Scholar and a Hilltop Scholar his freshman year, Zane got involved in Student Senate as a general member on the Finance Committee, and then went on to serve SMU as an AARO leader. Outside Senate, Zane is the North Texas Regional Chair of the Texas College Republicans and a member of Beta Theta Pi.
Cavender hopes to increase Senate funding. Each year organizations are added, but the same amount of money is allocated to the student body. Cavender also wants to improve access to senate by improving transparency and accountability by maintaining the Liaison Program. Finally, Cavender wants to create yell leader positions for athletic events.
His Thoughts
“I couldn’t be happier to serve SMU in anyway I can, and I’m proud to be working with Senate to represent the student body and help bring great things to this campus. I look forward to this year and all we can accomplish with Mustang pride. Pony Up!”
Katherine Ladner – Secretary
Katherine Ladner is a junior from Austin Texas majoring in English with minors in political science and Russian. Katherine got her start in Student Senate as a first-year Senator, then went on to serve as the Membership Chair, and now student body secretary. She has also been involved with Alternative Breaks, served as a Mustang Corral leader and is a member of the Gamma Phi Beta sorority.
Ladner hopes to strengthen the duties of secretary by helping senators better serve their constituents. She also hopes to facilitate effective communication between senate and student body by having students subscribe to minutes from senate meetings. Finally, she hopes to contribute to making new legislation as needed.
Her Thoughts
“As student body secretary, I look forward to helping senators be more organized and available to their constituents. I believe that will help Senate to be more effective. Additionally, I’m excited to help Mace and Cavender build more school spirit. Lastly, I look forward to working with and getting to know as many students as possible.”