One of the biggest risks I believe the GOP faces in 2012 is overconfidence.
The 2010 elections shaped up pretty well for the Republicans since they had a net gain of 60 seats in the House, six seats in the Senate, as well as seven governorships. At least in the House, it was pretty clear that the Republicans had a major upper hand in elections, but what about in 2012?
With outcries in town hall meetings across the nation, it is still unclear what will become of the Republicans in 2012. Some Republicans are being lambasted in Florida for wanting to drastically cut medicare and medicaid benefits. Other
Republicans’ town halls have erupted in displays of total disregard for respect or authority. Clearly the political landscape is heated.
Instability could either be capitalized upon by the GOP, or if spun in a certain way, could really hurt them. If people start seeing their government benefits going by the wayside due to Republican policy, they can kiss votes goodbye. Maybe 2012 isn’t the year for the GOP. With luck and passion they may be able to win.
Michael Dearman is a first year majoring in the pursuit of truth and the overthrow of systems. He can be reached for comments at [email protected].