I love handbags. Good handbags are works of art – works of art we live in. More like works of art we live out of. The way I see it, no matter what size jeans you wear or how tall you get, your handbag will always fit. Whether you are in a couture Givenchy evening gown or a Juicy warm-up, your handbag can make or break the outfit. DISCLAIMER: Just because you are wearing a Birkin does NOT make it OK to be out and about in sweats. Period.
Being a college student, I feel that if you are to get an inordinately expensive handbag, it should be one you can wear for years. It should be a classic. I am not saying to ignore the trends, but rather if you are going to get the bag of the moment, get it from Target or Urban Outfitters for under $100. As for the classics, there are few handbags that are considered to be truly timeless. Every year or so silly little fashionistas (usually with poor taste) say “this bag” or “that bag” is going to be a new classic, but more often than not their selections just don’t pan out.
I have picked out what I consider to be the 10 most iconic handbags of the 20th and 21st centuries. Every one of these bags has been made for multiple seasons and can be purchased at anytime, given you have the access to them.
P.S. The Louis Vuitton Speedy 35 jumped in price from $645 to $675 yesterday.