By Jace Hinderland
Last night, someone got written up for passive participation. Today at lunch, someone will complain about the meal plan and the price increase. This evening someone will ask, “Is anyone doing anything about any of this?”
There is a huge gap between the student body here at SMU and the administration. Face it, if something bothers you, you simply complain about it and give it up for a lost cause. Do you know who to talk to? What if you want to try and eliminate passive participation? Did you even think that was possible?
Student Senate has been here for close to a century now, and in that time has always tried its best to serve the student body of SMU and provide the best possible discourse with the administration. Senate can only do so much without your help and support. It is time for you, the student, to take a proactive role in your collegiate future. You can start by electing a proactive leader, one who is personable and who has a genuine sense of commitment and pride.
I am a proud member of the Greek community and a current McElvaney RA. I have been a strong supporter of SMU athletics and an active member in many campus organizations. I have the experience, passion and commitment necessary to effect change.
Things such as passive participation can be changed and campus dining can be influenced, but it takes you SMU. Take a proactive role. Vote in the elections. Make the best choice for your collegiate future. Vote Jace for your Student Body President.
Jace Hinderland is a sophomore finance major. He may be reached at [email protected].
By Taylor Russ
Over the past year, I have had the great opportunity of serving as Student Body Vice President. I have learned a lot from this experience as an SBO. First, I have learned much about student organizations. I have seen students empowered with the passion to create and bring back former student organizations like SMU rides. I have also learned much about leadership. Leadership is not just your title in the organization, it is not the nametag that reads president, but leadership is about managing people. As a candidate for Student Body President, I believe that leadership is also about communication and student connection. I understand how important it is to be well communicated with the student body so that I may understand your issues. Currently, I believe there are hree key issues that need to be addressed. The first is green energy. Joseph Grinnell, the Student Senate Environment Chair, has worked so hard this year to encourage the school to use more green, clean energy. I believe Joseph’s Green energy resolution is good for the university and the community, and I want to maintain the line of communication on the issue with the administration so that Joseph’s hard work pays off. My second issue is security. The security on fraternity and sorority row needs improvement. Faulty door locks and unwelcome nighttime visitors should be a thing of the past at SMU. I also believe the crosswalk into sorority row needs to be safer, with more bright lights that identify students walking across. Lastly, I want to develop stronger relationships between Student Senate and student organizations. Student Senate is a resource for student organizations, and I believe that we should be a very approachable, understanding organization. So, when you go to vote on Wednesday and Thursday (’cause I know you all will!) TRUST RUSS for Student Body President!
Taylor Russ is a junior real estate finance major. He may be reached at [email protected].
By Michelle Wigianto
When I think about America, I think of apple pie, football and the underdog.
Well, I represent the underdog, the dark horse, the never-in-a million-years-shot, and I want to be your Student Body President.
I’ll be honest, I have never been in Senate, but I have worked with Senate a lot during my college career. I started an organization and worked on committee budgets with Program Council and Asian Council, and through those experiences I know what Senate does, and I know what I can do to make it better.
I am not your well-polished politician, I do not have future political aspirations, I hate wearing suits, but I do love this school. Senate and the Student Body officers have an incredible opportunity to shape campus life for all of SMU and that is all I want to do. Some things I would like to accomplish if I become president:
We gave so much to the victims of the tsunami and Hurricane Katrina, but it was a hasty response. SMU has one of the finest emergency management plans of any higher education institution, but I think that it is important for it to be publicized so that students can be there to respond to emergencies, as well.
I want the administration to publicize a tuition breakdown for students so that we know where our money is going, and we can give feedback to how we would like to see it spent.
Senate is the liaison between students and the administration, and I think both have become inaccessible to the average student so they feel that it is none of their business. I want to make Senate a little friendlier and more involved in encouraging student participation.
Michelle Wigianto is junior journalism major. She may be reached at [email protected].