If there is anything more sickening about some SMU students, it is how much they complain. You know who I’m talking about.
You people that think that the professors need to cater to your every need. If they see it fit to tell you everything that is going to be on a test then they will do so. Do you seriously have to whine and complain and ask, “What exactly is going to be on the test?” or complain when you don’t get the grade you thought you deserved? How about you just do what you have to do like everyone else and just shut up? If you don’t understand something, read the book instead of talking about how “bad” a professor is. Your own stupidity isn’t the teacher’s fault.
Take the time outside of class to review and study instead of taking up class time asking questions that are answered if you just read the book. I’m sure I’m not alone in this because I have seen many people complain about just how whiny some people at SMU can be.
Some will complain about anything and everything. Somewhere down the line the distinction between teachers and students just doesn’t seem to register with those people.
A complete lack of respect and a “do it my way” attitude is something that I see in many classes I have taken so far. I think it’s time for our teachers to take a stand to the whiners and just tell them to shut up, because there is such a thing as being “too nice.” Professors teach us because they know what they are doing.
Even if you don’t understand the teaching style or just don’t get the material, [the professors] are knowledgeable on what they do and what they teach. So many times I have seen students forget that the professors are above us and we are under them.
Daniel Olivares
SMU sophomore