Looking for the path to financial freedom? Do you really want to be wealthy and never have to worry about money ever again? Ask yourself: Am I working for money or is money working for me? Are you living the American Dream? Do you really want to? Got debt? Got milk?
The story I am going to share with you will change many of your lives, and for others it won’t. And that’s too bad. I’m going to ask all those closed-minded, negative and uninspiring individuals to read no further, because I am going to share something incredible, special and never ending in wealth…
Ladies and gentlemen, the biggest investment you’ll ever make in life will be: You.
Is the life you live one you’ve made for yourself or is it under the reigns of another conductor? Start living a better life today and maximizing your true potential. Read more, exercise your brain and make a commitment to yourself to do whatever it takes to achieve success and follow through in everything you do.
I believe in a philosophy that doesn’t believe in breaking bad habits, because I can always start new ones. Think about it…it’s that simple. You can do anything you want to do in life. Napoleon Hill once said, “Anything the mind can conceive, it can achieve,” and I believe this 100 percent. And you should too, because it’s the truth.
How many of you really have dreams? I’m talking larger-than-life dreams. Specifically, how exactly do you plan to achieve them? How long will it take? How will you know when you’re there?
Is today the day you make the biggest investment life can offer? Will you make the commitment to yourself to achieve what you’re truly capable of and enjoy a life of unending wealth, rewards and happiness? Good luck…
About the writer:
Ben Brown is a senior finance and economics major. He can be reached for contact at bgbrown@smu.edu.