Matt Doherty paces the sideline at a SMU basketball game. Doherty was made an honorary Pike last fall.
SMU’s Basketball Coach Matt Doherty sat proudly on the sidelines of another team’s basketball game last Thursday night. He cheered and offered coaching expertise toward the end of the game. But he was not in his usual Moody Colleseum environment. Coach Doherty was on the sidelines of the Dedman Center rooting his Pi Kappa Alpha brothers on in their intramural basketball game versus Phi Gamma Delta.
Upon his arrival at SMU, Doherty not only obtained the position of SMU’s basketball coach, but his SMU experience also began by gaining over 150 new brothers. SMU’s Pike fraternity initiated Doherty in November of 2006.
At the beginning of the fall semester, Doherty went around to all of the fraternity houses to raise support for the basketball program. As he entered the Pike house he felt welcomed by the fraternity’s support and loved the atmosphere.
“I was surprised when a Pike sponsor asked me if I was interested in pledging. I did not come to SMU expecting to join a fraternity, but it was a great honor to be asked.”
Being a Pike, Doherty loved watching his brothers play. The Pike’s made him proud with their 49-34 win over Fiji.
“It was awesome to have Coach Doherty there supporting us. We think it is great that someone who is so admirable, and such a positive leader in the SMU community decided to become a part of our fraternity, and our brother. We are so excited that he came out to our game against Fiji,” said intramural chair, Ben Lampert.
Doherty stressed the fact that sports in a college setting are a huge part of social life. He urged that not only intramural games, but also SMU team games, give the student body a place of fellowship and a reason to come together and share in a fun event.
“Being a Pike, I am hoping to gain an emotional connection to the students. The students are what make working at a university so unique. They bring so much energy,” Doherty said.
Having the support of Coach Doherty at their sporting events, the Pikes have made a pledge to continue their support of SMU basketball.
“As Coach Doherty is committed to supporting his brothers by coming to our intramural games, we as a Pike family, will keep supporting him with our attendance and cheering at all SMU basketball games,” said Pike member Drew Wellsfry.