Call me old-fashioned or maybe even cynical, but seriously, with every inch of my being, I hate, despise and loathe PDA. It makes me want to vomit.
For those not familiar with that awful abbreviation, PDA stands for public display of affection. At junior high summer camp that was one of the rules. No PDA! Oh the days of junior high, if only more people would abide by that rule as adults.
First, let’s establish a definition for “public display of affection.” I’d say anything involving kissing, making out, awkward touching, back hugging or cuddling in view of the general public (complete strangers) would be considered PDA. I’ll leave holding hands out of this little definition as it is usually innocent, sweet and generally not offensive.
In class the other day – a big class with at least 50 people in it – a couple sitting in front of me kissed. Mid lecture! The teacher spotted them and proceeded to call them out on it. I laughed at the time, but in the back of my mind all I could think of was how absolutely annoying their in-class, mini make-out sesh was. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure the aforementioned couple is very nice, but really? In class? Come on now.
Let’s call that rather big display of PDA the icing on the cake of a ridiculous amount of PDA I’ve been seeing on campus lately.
A boyfriend back-hugged his girlfriend at the flagpole last Thursday. They just stood there, like middle schoolers in front of their lockers, awkwardly embracing each other in a way I’d prefer not see while walking to class at 9 a.m.
Then there’s the awkward cuddle-while-walking PDA. We’ve all seen it, a couple walking around campus touching each other while walking as if to say to the world, “we are so in love that we can’t keep our hands off each other! Even while walking to class!”
I just can’t get over it. I’m sure you’re a happy couple. I’m sure you’re in love. Maybe I’m a tad bit bitter, but I’ve been in a pretty lovey-dovey relationship, and not once during those four years did the significant other and I awkwardly grope each other while walking in a public place. That’s what holding hands is for; a subtle hint to the world that you’re attached. No one needs to see the groping that occurs in the bedroom. It’s just not appropriate.
The only place I can think of where PDA is acceptable is airports. The only time it’s okay to give a long hug and a big kiss to your significant other is when seeing each other upon arrival at the airport. But even then there should be a line. Shouldn’t there?
Why do you think the wedding kiss is such a big deal? Shouldn’t it be among the very few times that you and your significant other exchange affection in public? If you’re always making out in public, or in front of your friends and family for that matter, why would it be special on your wedding day? At that point, it just becomes another kiss that happens to occur on the day you promised to love each other forever.
So please, don’t waste your time showing me how much you love your significant other. I don’t even know you, what makes you think I want to see the intimate details of your love life? Especially the physical ones!
I’m all for love, but come on couples, keep the making out in public to a minimum, at least for my sake.
– Christina Geyer
Chief Copy Editor