Contestant Ally Vitella from the Food Network’s “Fat Chef” dropped from a size 28 to a size 16 through intense exercise and the help of a health consultant and a personal trainer, proving that diet and exercise can go a long way. (Associated Press)
We have all been there.
You start a new workout program. You do it for a month. You are miserable every single time. You give up. You quit.
What is the point of this?
Life is too short to put yourself through torture four to five days a week just to get in a workout. It’s not about taking the simple way out; but instead, finding something that works for you.
The best way to get in shape and stay in shape is if you are enjoying yourself. If you find a regimen that you like, you will be more likely to stick to it and push yourself.
First, start with figuring out if you like exercising alone or in a group. Neither is right nor wrong but some prefer taking classes or going on a group run while others prefer to pop in a DVD at home in the privacy of their living rooms.
Try class settings and being alone to decide which you like more. You may find that you enjoy both. After you decide how you like to work out, it is time to find out what you like to do. Walking or running will never fail you. You can do them anytime, anywhere and no equipment is necessary.
If you do not have time to do anything else or you are out of town with no access to the gym, lace up your sneakers and head outside for a quick walk or run and soak up some Vitamin D.
Try doing interval workouts on the treadmill with various speeds and inclines to get in a sweaty calorie-burning workout. If you have never run before, start out slow. There is nothing wrong with taking walking breaks. The most important thing is not to injure your self. While you may love to run but have bad knees, it is not worth it to risk injury. Try the elliptical. You can still do a killer cardio workout without putting added pressure on your joints.
Swimming is another form of cardio that does not put strain on your body. Take a break from running one day and hit the pool. Your joints will thank you one day.
Biking is an option if you want to challenge yourself or enjoy a leisurely activity. It is a great way to be active on a beautiful Saturday afternoon while catching up with a friend.
If you want to amp up your calorie burn, hop on a stationary bike or take a spin class at the gym and alter the resistance and speed.
Do you like to dance and want a fun way to burn calories?
Zumba may be the answer to your prayers. As a Latin-based dance exercise program, Zumba involves various choreography such as hip-hop, samba, salsa, mambo, martial arts, belly dance moves and more.
Aerobic elements such as squats and lunges are also incorporated into the workout.
Before you know it, your workout will be finished in no time. There are different levels of Zumba offered so be sure to start out easy and work your way up.
If you are not feeling a hardcore workout or sweating like a beast is not your scene, pilates or yoga may be perfect for you.There are multiple options for access to both of these. Go to a few different classes or order a variety of DVDs. Pilates and yoga are great for toning your body all over and helping with flexibility, posture and core strength.
Dedman offers group exercise classes in yoga and there are nearby pilates studios.
Last but not least, strength training is vital to add into your routine at least twice a week. You can do this through yoga, a body pump class, push ups, free weights, etc. The most important thing is that you do it.
Just like with anything else, figure out what you like best and what works for your body. As you strengthen muscles, your stamina for other types of workouts will improve. Resistance training is also one of the best ways to effectively lose inches.
These basic exercises are just a few of the many that are out there. Remember, if you are a newbie to exercise, you may have to try a few things out before you find what you enjoy. Do a little research for yourself. Don’t be afraid to challenge yourself.
Start out slow and work your way up. Take the focus off of losing weight. Make it fun. Make it enjoyable. Make it a lifestyle. Don’t give up. You will find something that works for you.