New members of Student Senate are inaugurated Tuesday afternoon in the Hughes-Trigg Student Center Commons. (Jennie Nguyen)
Senators unanimously voted to reinstate the Diversity Committee during the first meeting of the 96th Student Senate immediately after the Senate Inauguration ceremony.
Noting the “downward spiral” of diversity at SMU, Student Body President Patrick Kobler said the committee would work to take appropriate measures to reverse this trend, as well as show that the diversity issue is about more than race or ethnicity. Kobler also said the committee would represent SMU and go out into the Dallas community to attract more diverse students to campus.
The reinstatement comes after a vote by Senate in January 2007 to combine the Diversity Committee, the Academic Enhancement Committee, the Environment Committee and the Student Issues Committee into one standing committee: the Student Concerns Committee.
According to the terms of the passed resolution, Kobler will appoint a committee chair to be approved by a Senate majority vote. The Student Concerns Committee will continue to work on areas involving academics, student issues and the environment.
Kobler said the Senate’s action shows that the new Senate “is not afraid of tackling the issues from day one.”
In addition to reinstating the Diversity Committee, Kobler’s goals include: getting a student on the committee in charge of the academic calendar, bringing diplomas back to graduation ceremonies, reforming the social registration policy and installing a lighted crosswalk near Sorority Row.
Kobler said in his speech that he wants Senate to not only be the voice of the student body, but to amplify it. He reminded Senate that every action they take is done on behalf of the student body they represent, and said Senate should reflect the students’ opinions and wishes for SMU.