This Monday is Halloween.
In case you were confused, this is the night designated each year when you are supposed to get dressed up in a silly or scary costume.
I recognize one’s confusion; for students of SMU, there are opportunities to don a different costume almost every weekend.
In the historical tradition of SMU frat parties, one cannot simply attend wearing the garb of the mundane. Being better than the rest, SMU partygoers transform themselves into beach bums, trailer trash, disco dancing queens, geeky 90s teenagers and pimps and hoes, all for the sake of thy hallowed theme party.
So, when it comes to Halloween, the one night a year when the rest of the world disguises him or herself as someone or something else, what is the allure for a Mustang? After all, we do this all the time.
The answer would be creativity. Become something that couldn’t be the subject of next weekend’s theme party.
This means, gentlemen, don’t dress like a pimp, wear an afro-wig or don silk pajamas.
Ladies, go out on a limb and be original. Don’t be the sexy schoolgirl/cop/devil/angel/nurse/cat/housemaid/paleontologist, etc. Because, as we all know, most college parties are an excuse for the men to be comfortable and the ladies to dress in anything that will make the men uncomfortable.
With Web sites all over the Internet offering up costume ideas and trends, there is no excuse for lacking creativity this All Hollow’s Eve.
As anyone can tell you, the ladies love a man in uniform. Go as a soldier and give us gals a good reason to honor our country.
If the Army isn’t for you, try a pop-culture figure. Hey, most of those guys dress like the average Joe anyway, just with some particular accoutrements. In fact, you could roll out of bed, look like a slob and go as Kevin Federline – instant Halloween costume. Or, pull out that Armani suit and go as Diddy, since wearing a suit is pretty much all he does these days.
As the ladies of SMU always are, be glamorous this Halloween. Throw it back to the days of Katherine Hepburn and Ava Gardner à la “The Aviator,” when there was more to being sexy then a short skirt and some Britney Spears-lookin’ makeup.
Or, stray completely away from the expected and go as an inanimate object. Banana and hot-dog costumes are always hysterical. And, as anyone knows, a good sense of humor will attract the guys way better then a skimpy little outfit. (OK, maybe not. But, give it a try – just for Halloween.)
Remember, there are always ways to add an original spin to a traditional costume. So, if you must go as a police officer, throw on an SMU baseball cap, bust all of your underage friends for drinking and go as Officer Norris.
Tiffany Glick is a sophomore Jouralism major. She may be reached at [email protected]