Liberal bias in the media has gotten out of hand in modern America.
Today, the media has no standards. All they want to do is come out and blast conservatives. They don’t even care if what they are saying can easily be proven wrong. The liberal media probably thinks that most Americans are too lazy to look up the facts.
This can be seen in the op-ed written by Macarena Hernández in The Dallas Morning News on Oct. 15.à The op-ed talks about six Mexican immigrants who were beaten to death in Georgia in early September.à This is a horrible story that is made a mockery of by the liberal bias. What is truly disgusting about this article is the fact that Hernández then blames Fox News’ “The O’Reilly Factor” for making the white men who killed the Mexican farm workers upset about the border issue.à She says Bill O’Reilly “constantly point[s] to the southern border as the birth of all America’s ills.” Then she accuses the anchor of enraging the men into a frenzy that led to them attacking the Mexican farm workers.Ã
This is liberal elitism run amuck.Ã These people don’t care that their articles can be proven wrong with just common sense.Ã People know that O’Reilly doesn’t go out and tell people to attack Mexicans.Ã He is concerned that if our borders aren’t controlled, then America may be put at risk.Ã Yet, the article seems to imply that if O’Reilly had his way, then he would have taken the bat himself and beaten the farm workers to death.Ã
It wouldn’t matter if O’Reilly had gone out of his way to tell his viewers to not attack illegal immigrants. Hernández and her fellow liberal elitist friends are enraged that America is consistently voting liberals out of office for their compassionate conservative counterparts. The liberal media can’t understand why people consistently vote for Republicans. This attack on a conservative is just the liberal elites’ frustration with the direction America is going in. They threw everything they had into getting Kerry elected, and Bush still increased his margin of victory. Liberals are at a loss of words. Democrats had dominated Congress for 40 years. Now, the Republicans control Congress and the White House, and their advantage has been growing. This attack shows how the liberals are trying anything they can to get a foot in the door. They want to portray conservatives as racists and sexists. This is all they have left to say. Everything else the liberal media has thrown at conservatives has backfired, so they will start swinging anything they can. Next we will hear how the bus fire that killed the senior citizens evacuating from Hurricane Katrina was caused by the conservatives running the bus company, because they don’t like old people. This is just the tip of the iceberg of what liberals will try to do in the next three years or so to try to get Hillary Clinton elected in 2008. Americans have taken notice. Subscriptions to the horrible The New York Times are down by more than 50 percent coast to coast. People are holding newspapers and stations to standards of being fair and balanced. This is the best way to keep liberal bias in check. Cancel subscriptions to biased newspapers to show them you want fair and balanced reports. This will show the liberal elites what America really believes in.
Andrew Shepard is a first-year business major. He may be contacted at