Locaii is an interactive app that allows users to post polls, questions and photos at different locations. (Photo courtesy of Locaii, Inc)
With the help of four SMU students enrolled in a social media marketing class, Dallas entrepreneur Taylor Cavanah marketed and launched his free social media app-Locaii-this past week at the South by Southwest festival in Austin, Texas.
However, Cavanah also wanted Locaii to have a presence on SMU’s campus.
The group of four students in Professor Steve Edward’s social media marketing class— Haley Gatewood, Sarah Crane, Heather Kelldorf and Natalie Postgate— thought it would be a good idea to raise awareness for Relay for Life through the app.
So, that is what they did.
“It was perfect. Our app is a social media channel but at the same time we needed a social media presence on campus,” Cavanah said.
What makes Locaii different from other apps: It’s a conversation starter.
Unlike other check-in apps such as Foursquare, Locaii is interactive. Followers can post questions, polls, photos or all three to start conversations as they check into various places.
“We thought it was interesting because the whole social media and social conversation through apps on phones are really relevant to our generation,” Gatewood said.
People using Locaii can “friend” ThePiedPiper on and follow him as he checks into places on and around campus.
“It’s a ‘Where’s Waldo?’ type of game,” Cavanah said.
ThePiedPiper is relaying up for Relay for Life by giving away food to people as they check into the same places as he does.
“The more followers Locaii has, the better it works,” Gatewood said. “It’s different, it’s helping to gain interest in the university community and charities like Relay for Life.”
Gatewood and her group, as well as Cavanah, believe “that [they can] make a major impact in bringing in lots of people who are non-greek” to participate in Relay for Life through Locaii.
Cavanah hopes to continue working with other charities in the future, such as The Red Cross.
“We are doing it for a good cause, not just to get users and make money,” he said.
After watching Twitter launch in 2006 at South by Southwest (SXSW) and then Foursquare in 2009, Cavanah decided to pre-launch Locaii in December before officially launching at SXSW.
Locaii was one of 12 apps partaking in SXSW Interactive’s launch package, which included advertising, a news conference, social media blasts and a trade show booth.
Cavanah worked on Locaii while working in nanotechnology for Zyvex Corp. and DCG Systems Inc. Now, he works on Locaii full time.