The SMU Retail Club hits the runway Saturday with its annual fashion show event. From the stylish setting at Barney’s New York to over 25 models in 45 different looks – the on-campus organization is pulling out all the stops this year.
“It is the first year to hold it off-campus, but we got in touch with Barney’s and got them to agree with it,” said freshman Emily Bates, the Retail Club’s Public Relations Chairman.
Senior Jordan Traxler and freshman Colby Kruger are the fashion show chairs, and have been planning the event since the beginning of the year. The fashion show is entirely student-produced with Retail Club members styling, organizing and planning, and the models are straight from the SMU student body.
The Retail Club is part of the JcPenney Retail Center at the Cox School of Business. This year’s fashion show theme is “Anything but business as usual” and the looks flooding the runway will feature business appropriate attire.
“We are going to show what you could wear to a summer internship or job interview, that is sophisticated but still fun,” said Retail Club President junior Sienna Palmer.
Nearly 200 guests are confirmed on the Facebook group and the Retail Club is expecting big numbers.
Bates recommends coming early because there is limited seating.
“There are only 60 to 70 chairs and the rest is standing,” said Bates.
The event is free to attend and kicks off at 7 p.m. on the second floor of Barney’s New York in NorthPark Center. Following the event is a networking session with Dallas fashion industry professionals.