The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus

The Independent Voice of Southern Methodist University Since 1915

The Daily Campus


Maybe he’s really just not into you

So I like to think of myself as pretty up to date on pop culture. I see the latest movies, read the latest books and try to be on top of things. Both the book and the movie “He’s Just Not That Into You” have recently come to my attention.

Of course, I went out and bought the book and saw the movie, and it made me come to a much needed realization. Unfortunately because it’s all true. Two points, mentioned both in the book and movie stand out the most, and they go as follows.

The book tells me he’s just not that into me if he isn’t calling me, or rather, texting me. This scenario hurts the most, I have to say. How dare someone just not call you or text you and proceed to cease all conversation with you? Why do we think it’s ok for a boy to not call or text or communicate something, anything with us? Why do we let some boys get away with that? It’s because there is that small, little piece of hope that we have stashed away that thinks that this person is going to be different. But alas, the book is always right; if he wants to he will call.

The book also so delicately puts that he’s just not that into me if he isn’t asking me out. So why do we allow ourselves to be put in this “boy limbo” and allow them to do whatever they please and proceed to be convinced that he is the best thing that has ever happened to us? In the end we will be hurt by them, because we held on hoping that maybe after that long road of “talking” he might just get the nerve to ask us out. But, again he isn’t going to, if he has waited this long, you’ve definitely been “nexted” and now you don’t understand what you did wrong. But I for one let it happen to me every time. I do it, you do it, and she does it. And they do it because they know we will stick around long enough to give them a small part of us, and then in return we get left feeling a little less happy than we did before.

Whatever. We let this happen nearly every time, even though I know, that he could be like the one before, but everyone likes to feel liked and everyone likes to give everyone a chance, so it makes it worth getting hurt. So let me welcome you welcome to the sad, hypocritical cycle of “He’s Just Not That Into You.”

Ashley Swift is a sophomore psychology major. She can be reached for comment at [email protected].

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