Sporadic showers on Saturday didn’t stop Parkland employees from getting a tour of the new Parkland Memorial Hospital. Employees and their families were able to see the interior of the new facility, which is set to open in May 2015.
“It’s exciting, our Parkland family is amazing,” said Parkland IT administration assistant Amanda Villa, wearing a purple Parkland volunteer shirt. “There is so much enthusiasm for the hospital opening. It’s new Parkland and new Dallas.”
Out with the old and in with the new. The $1.27 billion healthcare facility is located only a few hundred feet from its original location on Harry Hines Boulevard. It was only fitting to have Parkland employees get the first inside scoop of the construction since it will be their new home.
“Today was about giving back to the employees. Thanking them for their service,” said Parkland’s community relations manager, Angela Morris. “Originally we would only tour elected officials, both in the current and new facility giving them a compare and contrast.”
Tours are now available for Dallas residents, too, as the construction winds down. For more information contact Ms. Morris at 214-590-1152. Groups no larger than 20 members will be allowed. More information about the new hospital can be found at newparkland.parklandhospital.com
Ms. Morris said the tours are a way to reach out to the community. Dallas County tax-payers, businesses, schools, and non-profits, have all made contributions to the project. “It’s like Inside Edition,” said Morris. “Outside of waiting for the big grand opening, let’s give them that inside look so they know what they are contributing to when providing care to Dallas County.”
The sheer size of the new 2.5 million square foot facility dwarves its former counterpart. The hospital will increase the number of adult patient beds by 38 percent, from 672 to 862. Employees were anxious to see the design of the hospital, but even more so their names on the long list of donors. The names are etched in the shape of a tree on the main lobby window. Music sounded and food was provided while employees got a glimpse of their new workplace.
“This event is great. It was neat to see how the place is going to look. I was able to see my name on the window and my kids had fun dancing to music,” said registered nurse Jonathan Mobley. “It’s an incredible building and we are lucky to have it.”
Tours for the public will be held every Wednesday and can start as early as 8:30 a.m. or as late as 3:30 p.m. The building now has air conditioning and is fully enclosed so it is a comfortable experience for those interested in checking out the new county hospital, which is expected to remain one of the busiest in the nation.
The hour and a half hard-hat tours will showcase well-known departments that make Parkland a nationwide leader in healthcare. The Emergency Room and the Trauma Center are highlighted, along with the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU) which is a part of the Labor and Delivery department. For those adventurous enough, the helicopter landing pad atop the 17-story building will also be displayed.
want people to know that these doors are open,” said Morris smiling as she
ushered a group of Parkland employees. “We try to do as many tours as we can
just give us a call and we will make it work.”

Parminder Deo is a senior at Southern Methodist University. He is double majoring in journalism and biological science on the premedical track.