You’re headed to the hot, sandy white beaches of X tropical place in X country. What should you pack?
In your carry on: Make sure to pack your passport, wallet, camera, a change of clothes, a swimsuit, sunscreen, sunglasses, a toothbrush and deodorant. In case your luggage doesn’t arrive on time, you won’t be left scrambling for the essentials. Hit the beach and grab a drink to take off the edge.
In her suitcase: Ten pairs of underwear (you can never over pack on this one), one strapless bra, one bra with straps, two swimsuits (one for tanning, the other for competitive sand volleyball), flip flops, a pair of heels or dressy flats (for that one “dress up night”), five tank tops, five club shirts, a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt for the plane ride home, two pairs of shorts, two skirts and two dresses. Leave room for shopping.
In her bathroom bag: If you’re staying with a group of girls, coordinate who will bring the hair dryer, shampoo and conditioner and straighter. Bring your own razor, toothbrush, toothpaste, hairbrush, styling products, make up, tweezers, toiletries, deodorant, bottle of asprin, lotion, sunscreen, after-sun aloe, condoms (don’t rely on your partner) and face wash.
In his suitcase: Ten pairs of underwear (chances are a laundry room won’t be convenient, guys), two bathing suits (in case you lose one), three pairs of shorts, flip flops, five t-shirts, three collared shirts, two dress shirts and a pair of jeans and a sweatshirt for the trip home. Leave room for souvenirs!
In his bathroom bag: I think it’s asking a bit much for you to coordinate with your bunkmate, so bring your own stuff. You’ll need sunscreen, a razor, toothbrush, toothpaste, box of Alka-Seltzer (plan on sharing), toiletries, deodorant, Gold Bond, after-sun aloe, condoms (don’t rely on your partner), styling products and hairbrush.
*For those traveling to colder climates: Translate the advice above into cold weather clothing. Remember that layers are essential.
-Jessica Savage