Walk into my room, look in my closet, and on the floor you will see a pile of leather loafers. Loafers with D-rings, loafers with tassels, loafers with little perforations on them; I wear them every day.
I always thought that loafers provided great protection from the elements. Every time I walk on concrete, my loafers keep my feet from hurting. While I’m driving, my loafers keep my feet cozy in my car. Heck, even in the small bit of snow last year I wore loafers around. Why? Because they’re sturdy and protect my feet as long as I don’t try to walk across any hidden puddles.
However, yesterday I realized that my loafers don’t protect me from everything. While driving back from a meeting, Niagara Falls decided to migrate to Dallas. Of course, what did I slip on before I walked out of my dorm and into a storm? A pair of leather loafers. Needless to say, they’re soaked (still), smell kind of funny (gross) and are out of service for the time being (one down, 5 pair left… whew!) Howsoever, they’ll dry and will be back on my feet in no time.
I used to view my relationships and loafers the same way. I always dated a few people at time, they were all gorgeous people, comforting, provided some sort of protection or stability in my life, and when one disappeared for a while I just switched him out for another. Now, I view my relationships like a sturdy pair of rain boots.
Rain boots can go out in anything. They can handle the dry ground, a large puddle, ice, rivers and stomp out a fire. They’re virtually indestructible. I’m now looking for a relationship that’s virtually indestructible. I value people who can withstand a few cloudy days, but also be there with me when it’s sunny.
I’m searching for someone that doesn’t mind providing a bit of security (which I would of course reciprocate), and I’m not even worried about them looking flashy. Practicality will do.
Of course, this all sounds kind of dumb, but I buy several pairs of loafers every couple of years, but only one good pair of rain boots every now and then. Just like my loafers, I used to go from date to date, relationship to relationship, but for a while now I’ve been incredibly content with finding that high-quality guy who will stick around awhile. So guys, girls, stop buying, ahem, I mean dating people who you can switch out on a whim and aren’t worth anything but arm candy. Maybe it’s time for some of us to start looking for those rainboot kind of people, and invest our time and energy into something that lasts.
Michael is a sophomore majoring in communications studies and religious studies.