The U.S. House of Representatives recently expanded the federal definition of hate crimes to include attacks based on a victim’s sexual orientation, gender identity, or disability. If the bill becomes law, it will become easier to prosecute hate crimes, which carry more serious penalties than similar, non-hate-motivated assaults
Conservatives have raised two major objections to the bill. Philosophically, they argue that it’s a violation of the First Amendment. If a pastor says that homosexuality is against God’s teachings and then one of his congregants goes out and commits a hate crime, conservatives fear the pastor may be liable to prosecution. This is probably over-dramatic, but it is not out of the realm of possibility. Democrats would be wise to address these worries and put some sort of constitutional safeguards in the legislation.
On a more practical note, conservatives accuse the Democrats of playing politics with the troops by tacking this contentious piece of social policy on a defense-spending bill that gives much-needed equipment and much-deserved benefits to the men and women of our armed forces. Republicans must either vote for the hate crimes expansion or make our soldiers go without.
Republicans have a point, although they’re not in a position to accuse anyone of playing politics with national security. To use the safety of our soldiers for political purposes is shameful. Both parties should stop using military appropriations bills as a means of jamming unrelated social policy down their opponents’ throats.
Republicans’ concerns about First Amendment rights are legitimate, if overblown. Their frustration at the means with which Democrats have passed this bill is deserved. But there’s a more fundamental reason why the hate crimes legislation shouldn’t become law.
Violent crimes are awful. They’re awful whether they’re caused by greed, by rage, by jealousy, or by hate. They’re awful whether the defendant is black or white, gay or straight, man or woman. They’re just plain awful.
I’m saddened by the prevalence of homophobia in our society. I have gay friends, gay teachers, and gay family members. If one of them were to be killed for their sexual orientation, I would be confused and angry. I wouldn’t understand how anyone could do something so destructive. I would feel no less grief if they were killed in a mugging or a random shooting.
By its very nature, crime is senseless. To say that one murder is worse than another is to deny the crime’s essential evil. No matter the cause, we should treat every violent act for what it is: an expression of the worst in humanity. Violent crimes are always hate crimes. Those who perpetrate them should be sent to jail and we should do everything in our power to stop the spread of violence.
Democrats’ support of the hate crimes legislation comes from a real desire to make the world better for our gay brothers and sisters. They hope to curb the scourge of hate-motivated violence. But the best way to do that isn’t to make harsher prison terms for hate crimes. By the time sentences are passed, lives have already been torn apart.
We must instead tear prejudice out by the roots. That means giving full legal equality, including the right to marry, to all Americans. It means welcoming the multitude of lifestyles and cultures that exist in this world and recognizing that diversity is what makes our country so great. It means teaching a new generation to be more open-minded and accepting than its parents.
I look forward to the day when fear and hatred no longer plague this country. But toughening the penalties on hate crimes won’t get us there any sooner. Ignorance is better fought with ideas than with guns and jail cells.
Nathaniel French is a junior theater studies major. He can be reached for comment at [email protected].