It’s back! Tax-free weekend has moved to August 17-19, a departure from its usual first-weekend -of-August schedule. This year will mark the ninth year the program has been in effect. Since 1999, Texas shoppers have saved about $336 million in sales tax. After its inception in Texas, 14 states (and Washington D.C.) have jumped on the bandwagon, and given parents a much needed break on supplies that every student needs.
The program discounts any tax that may apply to most clothing and shoes priced under $100, but now backpacks (which historically have been excluded from the sales incentive) have been added to the list of tax-exempt items. If you do not know if something is tax-free or not this weekend, it never hurts to ask.
But a word to the wise: Nieman’s and Barneys are not the places to look for tax discounts. If you wanted that, you should have gone to the amazing sales this past summer!