In my column “Girl/Guy Thing,” I wrote about theculture of he said/she said. In past generations we have had onlythe “he said” culture. The women’s movement hashelped bring about changes that were needed. The results of thewomen’s movement have not pleased all. Gloria Steinem helpedwomen realize they have a voice. She helped women realize they havevalue.
Someone who read my column suggested to me that perhaps I amangry and I do not like men. I commented that I write about what Isee. It was suggested that I attempt to see other things when Ilook at the world. I went home that night and thought about thatcomment. As I watched “Dateline,” I was still thinkingabout whether or not I have a jaded view of our world. That night,”Dateline” covered a story about two female Armysoldiers who had been raped, one a pregnant officer, while sheslept in her barracks, and another was attacked in Iraq as shewalked to take a shower. Both assailants were wearing ski masks.The soldiers and their families were grieved over the length oftime the Army was taking to handle these cases of assault. I willrefrain from commenting.
I asked a male to read “Girl/Guy Thing” and tell meif he thought it read as though I am angry. His comments wereinteresting and thought-provoking. He reminded me that he is a guyand thinks like a guy. He said that women and men are createdpsychologically different and no amount of talking about it isgoing to change that fact of life. He believes that women tend tobe more introspective. He also believes women historicallyhave not had it easy. (He added that he treats his wifelike a queen. Ladies, I have no idea if he has a brother.) Hesuggested, however, that women sometimes bring it onthemselves.
At that point, he mentioned that guys open doors for women to benice, but as a result of the women’s movement, theynow have had their heads taken off by women for it. It reallyirritates him that his wife’s friend leads her lifeaccording to the “Dr. Phil” and”Oprah” programs. He thinks Dr. Phil and MarthaStewart are the anti-Christ.
He believes if there is a job or a sport that is traditionallyperformed by a man, and a woman wants to do it, more power toher. He believes women should certainly be paid thesame amount as the man. However, if she isn’t physicallycapable of doing the work, he stated, she shouldn’t complainabout it.
He closed his comments by adding that he read aquote attributed to Mark Twain the other day. The quote reads:”What would men be without women? Scarce, sir, mightyscarce.”
I want to say right here and now on paper that I am one of thosewomen who does appreciate a man opening a door for me or holdingthe elevator door, and I thank them. Although, I do watch each dayas women step off an elevator in front of men who have steppedforward to hold the door. Not only do they not excuse themselves asthey walk in front of them, but they also usually do not thank themfor their actions.
I heard a guy call in on a radio station one day. He wascomplaining about how the guys are expected to adhere to strictharassment guidelines in the office. He was frustrated over thisbecause a woman in his office had told a dirty joke and laughedabout it. He stated, however, if a guy did it he would be writtenup for harassment.
The women’s movement brought about some changes that wereneeded. Just as there are still changes needed in our culture.Perhaps there are some females who take advantage of those changes.Cyndi Lauper had a hit song years ago entitled “Girls JustWant to Have Fun.” The refrain states, “Oh, girls justwant to have fun.” Women who take trips to Mexico and end upon “Girls Gone Wild” perhaps should learn the words tothe refrain of a Shelly West song “Jose Cuervo you are afriend of mine.”
Females out there, perhaps we should make an effort to beappreciative of those guys who do nice things for us. Weshouldn’t judge all the guys because of the deviance ofothers. Guys, don’t judge all females for the actions ofothers either.
Oh and Gloria Steinem is now married.
Deborah Currie is a junior social science major. She may bereached at [email protected].