National Security Adviser Condoleezza Rice should really do whatshe said she wanted to do on “60 Minutes” on Sundaynight.
She should appear publicly in the Sept. 11 commission hearingsrather than only denouncing former counterterrorism aide, RichardClarke, on various news and talk shows.
Rice not going before the commission in public and under oathcauses the situation to become obscured.
We can assume that whatever Rice said to the commissionprivately last month was completely truthful and genuine, yetAmericans will never really know. She was not sworn to tell thetruth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. Watching anunelected official raise her right hand before she makes atestimony of this magnitude gives what she says more credibility.Especially, when you have Clarke making accusations against theBush administration while also blaming himself.
There is no transcript from Rice’s private Februarymeeting with the commissioners. Commissioners were only allowed totake notes, taking away the right to an official record for themand Americans to look back on.
These commissioners must be highly qualified individuals, orthey would not have been appointed to their positions. A little bitof note-taking probably didn’t hurt them, but it could havealtered their focus during questioning.
Last week the commission heard from both Bush and Clinton aides.Their testimonies showed that if any fault is to be placed here, itis to be placed on both administrations. Members of theseadministrations said that they did not think they had actionableevidence in the months prior to the Sept. 11 attacks.
If Americans or the commission disagree, they are disagreeingwith the actions of both the Democrat and Republican parties’representatives. This should not be a November issue, but it isbecoming one.
Rice said Sunday night that there is a long-standing principlethat current national security advisors do not testify beforeCongress.
Why not? Is this for security reasons or is it a reelectionbias?
If it’s the latter then the Republicans made this anelection issue all on their own without the help of theDemocrats.
This doctor was the national security advisor when the worstterrorist attack on American soil occurred. All Americans,including the vast number of Sept. 11 victims’ familymembers, have a right to hear her account under oath.
George W. Bush is not Rice’s only boss. She must answer tothe American public.