The Meadows Chorale and Meadows Concert Choir, joined by SMUchoral alumni, will perform tonight at 8 p.m. in Caruth Auditorium.The concert will include works by Father Guido Haazan and GabrielFaure. Alfred Calabrese, director of choral activities, willconduct. Admission is free, and tickets are not required.
The concert will begin with the concert choir’sperformance of Haazan’s mass “Missa Luba.”
“This is a fun, vibrant piece to open up with,”Calabrese said.
The concert choir will then perform Faure’s motet,”Cantique de Jean Racine.”
The concert choir will be joined by the Meadows Chorale andchoral alumni to perform Faure’s “Requiem.”
“Faure left out the typical dark, dramatic elements of arequiem (mass for the dead). He focused on light perpetual and lifeeternal. It is probably one of the most beautiful pieces he everwrote,” Calabrese said.
“Requiem” is performed in tribute to Dr. LloydPfautsch. Pfautsch was Director of Choral Activities at SMU forover 30 years. He was known across the country for hisaccomplishments including starting one of the first choralconductor graduate programs. Pfautsch passed away in October.
The Meadows Chorale includes the best vocal talent in MeadowsSchool of the Arts.
The Meadows Concert Choir is made up of both music majors andnon-majors.
“All of the choirs at SMU are open to any student. It ismy goal to include as many students on campus in thesechoirs,” Calabrese said.
This is Calabrese’s first year at SMU. Previously, Hetaught at Brevard College in North Carolina and Emory University inAtlanta. His professional experience includes assistant to RobertShaw of the Atlanta Symphony.
“These are really famous works and fun pieces beingperformed tonight. Anybody interested in joining the choir nextyear should check it out,” Calabrese said.
For more information call (214) 768-1951.