“Friends have told me that I should have majored in European Party Studies with a minor in Clubology. Sadly, Vanderbilt University had no such curriculum, so I wrote my own syllabus.”
Such reads author Katherine Chloe Cahoon’s message to readers in her new book, “The Single Girl’s Guide to Meeting European Men.”
The guide reads as a detailed course catalog to her curriculum, complete with tips for meeting men, how to dress and even where the best places to pick up men in each country are.
While laid out as an easy-to-read guide, useful for readers and men-seekers, most of the book also serves as a platform for Cahoon to share stories of her and her group of friends’ male conquests during semesters abroad in Europe.
Luckily for her friends, Cahoon does not name names.
Instead she gives them all monikers attached to their actions with their European men, such as “The Sexcapader” and “Miss Scorned.”
She also gives nicknames to some of the men mentioned, including the few she has dedicated her guide to: “the Spaniards of Kapital who made my European Scarlett O’Hara fantasy a reality” and “Romantic Danish Party Thrower.”
The guide is divided into four main sections: Fulfilling Your Personal European Man Fantasy, Types of Single Girls, Forty Flirty Tips, and European Men and Their Hotspots.
Cahoon’s flirty tips are broken down into several how-to subsections, teaching women everything from how to act, to how to handle menacing men.
While much of her advice is either obvious or ridiculous, there is one piece of advice Cahoon gives that readers should definitely heed.
She warns men-seekers to be careful because “STDs are not the European souvenirs single girls seek.”
The European Men section lists the hottest spots to meet men divided up by country and each “hot spot” has been visited by Cahoon and her friends, so they can attest to the man-getting success of each.
Cahoon has even detailed each hot spot with a “Man-Meeting Tidbit” that gives another piece of her tried and true advice to readers.
Cahoon has also created her own language in “The Single Girl’s Guide” and she defines all of these terms in her “Single Girl’s Slangtionary.”
In this “slangtionary” she gives some helpful words for meeting men who speak different languages and also clarifies some of the acronyms she uses in the book.
“SGA” stands for the ‘Single Girls Association,’ and “GRGG” means ‘Getting Rescued by a Gorgeous Guy,’—two very important terms for understanding Cahoon’s guide.
Overall the guide seems to just be a way for Cahoon to publish her man-catching success stories from her European semesters abroad.
While she does give some insight into places to go, those studying abroad would do better to invest in a Lonely Planet travel guide rather than “The Single Girl’s Guide to Meeting European Men.”