Students and professors welcomed Iran sociologist and professor of sociology at Texas Women’s University, Dr. Mahmoud Sadri. Sadri spoke on “Modern Iran and Revolution in the Middle East” Tuesday evening as part of The University Honors Program’s 2011 Gartner Lecture.
Sadri began his lecture by giving background information about Iran as well as discussing the current trials and triumphs of the Middle East in McCord Auditorium. June 13, 2009 marked the beginning of the first civil rights movement in the Middle East, the Green Revolution. Following the 2009 Iranian elections, protests broke out in major Iranian cities and across the world.
After a controversial election period and the announcement of Mahmoud Ahmadinejad as President, supporters of the opposing candidate, Mir- Hossein Mousavi, took to the streets to protest. Many wore green armbands and attire, reflecting Mousavi’s campaign color and the symbolic color of the movement.
Sadri said, “They believed their most basic rights had been stolen. Their hopes for reform were shattered.”
“Throughout the 21st century, especially within the past two years, we have seen things that none of us would expect to see,” Sadri said in reference to the events surrounding the Green Revolution.
After showing photographs of Iran under protest, Sadri posed the question, “What is going on in the Middle East? It is neither reform, nor revolution. It is a refolution.”
The term refolution was first coined in the 1990s, meaning radical, negotiated change. Sadri said, “A refolution is the current and necessary means to reform Iran.”
Sagri states, “This movement has a democratic impulse with civil rights at the forefront.” He continues by saying, “It has a strange odyssey of notion. When the government says don’t do it. We are ready to get in the streets and have them take us to the cemetery. We are sick and tired of having the same president for 30 years.”
Many refer to the Green Revolution as the “Twitter Revolution.” Protesters relied heavily on Twitter and other social networking sites to rapidly communicate, share information and coordinate rallies during the time of protests.
“While all of this was going on, the government was unaware. They had no idea the potential it had,” Sadri said.
The Green Revolution remains the first event to be broadcasted world wide through social media.
He then explained what was next for Iran saying, “I consider myself a cynical optimist. I see things in the long run working out for Iran. The future belongs to the young people and the young people are not giving up.”
Sophomore Siena Beacham thought the lecture was “an eye-opener,”
“It was great to have such a distinguished man come and speak on the happenings of the revolution to students who have next traveled to the Middle East before and may not be aware of everything going on,” she said.